Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I like to camp. What's your point?

So whilst bored tonight and browsing, I browsed on over to Myspace, that bane of the internet. Or bane of teh internets, depending on your preference. I had half a mind to look up someone from work, but quickly grew bored at the thought of sorting through 293 people from a zip code and dropped in on my ex-wife's site. We'll call her C, following my D's naming convention. C and I separated a little over a year ago and divorced a little under a year ago. Every once in a while, I get in the mood to do a little cyberstalking and see what she's up to. I don't know why I do this to myself, but it seems to be a running theme in my life. "J don't touch that, it's hot," followed immediately by *touch* "Ow" *touch* "Ow" *touch* "Ow." I'm dumb like that apparently.

Looks like she's living it up with L, her girlfriend/life partner/whatever-the-current-politically-correct-term-these-days-is. So now I'm stuck with the all-important question of "Do I care?" I mean, really, do I give a flying $*@^ what she's up to? If so, why? Most of all, why the $*^@ should I care? The short answer(s) are "kind of," "because I'm an idiot," and "I shouldn't." But I kind of do. And it's really rather annoying to me. Feelings are such trifling things. But regardless of my thoughts on my feelings are, I'm stuck with them. So. She's got a job she loves, she's got L, they've got a cute little house in the suburbs, and apparently they have great vacations to Japan. I have the following: a job I increasingly can't stand, bordered by a commute that makes my teeth bleed, no significant other, an apartment, and no spectacular vacations to Japan. But let's examine this further before I sink to the morose depths of self-pity and everyone stops reading this.

The job: yes, it sucks. Mostly because it's located in the middle of nowhere, there's no advancement potential and my director (hereafter HPHH) has the personal skills of an enraged rhinocerous who's having a bad acid trip. But. Occasionally it's challenging, I stand to learn a thing or two from HPHH, and if nothing else, everyone there likes (if not loves) me. The commute....well, you can put lipstick on a pig if you want, but it still smells like something. Oh. And I'm looking for a new one.

No significant other: also, less than ideal. None of that good relationshippy stuff. On the other hand, none of the bad relationshippy stuff either, such as the fights, the random money spent on things I never see, and I'm actually occasionally on time now. We'll call it a draw.

The apartment: there's suprisingly little to fault here. It's nice, it's spacious, it's (usually) clean, the kitchen rocks my socks, and my landlord stays out of my business. On the other hand, it comes with Roommate (tm) who is a force in and of himself. Picture a hairy manitee in tighty-whiteys yelling at the TV during football. Got that picture? Good....FEEL MY PAIN. We part ways in April.

The vacations: ok, I lied. Not entirely true I've had none. I went kayaking in the Apostle Islands in August. Other than that though, not really. I did some camping with C and K (not the same as C&K..the ampersand denotes marriage/dating) and some camping with friends. And next year promises all sorts of cool vacations, like the possibility of the following locales: Glacier National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, as well as weekend trips to Shawnee National Forest and Manistee-Huron National Forest.

So is it a draw? Who wins the "cooler life" prize? Does it even really matter? Alas, much written tonight and I'm no closer to finding an answer.